Gait Analysis
Chiropractors specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of problems that are caused by misalignments of the spine. Many times, these misalignments can affect a human gait or their way of walking. That’s why gait disorders analysis is an integral part of chiropractic care.
By evaluating a person’s walk, chiropractors can determine if there are any misalignments that need to be corrected. Gait analysis can also help to ensure that any treatments prescribed by the chiropractor are effective.
If you’re considering chiropractic care, be sure to ask your doctor about gait analysis. It may just be the key to resolving. Often Custom Orthotics are used for improving injuries. They help greatly in the healing process. You can visit our Burlington Chiropractors to get the best care in town.

Overhead Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis is performed with the patient walking past a mirror that's positioned above them. This helps the doctor to determine if any misalignments are occurring in your upper body as you walk. Unfortunately, overhead gait analysis can't be used for highly tall or short people because the mirror needs to be at a specific height.
Three-Dimensional Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis uses two cameras positioned on either side of you as you walk toward them. The images from the cameras are combined together to create a 3-dimensional image that shows how your body parts move as you walk. This analysis is more accurate than the overhead analysis, but it's also more expensive.
Catwalk Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis uses a runway made out of paper that measures how much force you put into the ground as you walk on it. You walk toward a camera positioned on one end of the catwalk, and it takes pictures and evaluates your gait.
Running gait analysis
This type of gait analysis is performed with the patient running on a special platform. As each foot strikes the ground, sensors measure the forces that are exerted on it. This information can be used to determine how much stress is placed on your muscles and bones as you move.
Walking Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis is performed with the patient walking on a special platform. As each foot strikes the ground, sensors measure the forces that are exerted on it. This information can be used to determine how much stress is placed on your muscles and bones as you move.
Video Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis is performed with the patient walking or running on a treadmill while being filmed by a video camera. The running form in the footage is then analyzed to determine any problems with the person's gait.
Observational Gait Analysis
This type of gait analysis is performed by simply observing the person walking or running. The doctor looks for any abnormalities in the way the person moves and then tries to diagnose the problem.
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Top Benefits of Gait Analysis
It Makes An Accurate Diagnosis
Gait analysis allows your chiropractor to see what's causing any pain and discomfort you might be feeling as you walk. Your gait cycle, gait speed, gait patterns, posture, and the movement of your joints all play a role in the condition of your spine.
It's Painless And Inexpensive
A gait analysis requires only a visit to the chiropractor, and it doesn't cost very much money. The major costs associated with this type of analysis are for the equipment that's used during your visit.
It Can Be Done Anywhere
You don't need to go to a special location in order to have your gait analyzed. You can do it right at our Burlington gait analysis laboratory or another location that has the necessary equipment, such as an exercise facility.
It May Prevent Problems In The Future
As technology advances, more tests are being developed that are meant to identify the causes of common problems before they become severe enough for surgery or other types of treatment. Gait analysis is an example of such a test, which means that it can help you minimize your risk of developing more severe problems in the future.
It Can Be Used To Detect Gait Abnormalities
The length and speed of your stride and other factors related to your gait can provide clues about your health. For example, a stride that's shorter than a normal gait could be an indication of serious nerve damage. A fast and lengthy stride might indicate that you're in pain, but it can also mean that you're trying to mask those feelings by walking quickly.
It Can Detect Problems Early
Gait analysis is often used to diagnose gait deviation early so that they can be treated before they become more serious. One example is scoliosis, which can often be identified by changes in your walk even before you notice any back pain or other symptoms of this condition.
Seek Help From Our Burlington Chiropractors For Relief
Choosing the right chiropractors in Burlington is an important decision. Our staff at Procure Physio are trained with the latest chiropractic treatments & technologies. With us, chiropractic care is not just an examination, but beyond that.
We can help you detect problems early and determine whether you’re a good candidate for spinal adjustments through a gait analysis test. Don’t hesitate to ask our Burlington chiropractors about this type of test. After your examination, we suggest the proper treatment to correct your gait, and soon you can get over your problem.
To know more about how we can help, book an appointment at our clinic and avail the best Chiropractic care in Burlington, Canada.

Common Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Getting a gait analysis is worth it to check if your gait is affected by any misalignments in your spine. If it is affected, then treatment has to be started before it is too late.
Doctors who specialise in assessing the musculoskeletal system including joints, muscles, ligaments and tendons. They use gait assessments to diagnose injuries that may affect or inhibit day-to-day movements, such as walking or running.
Chiropractors in Burlington look for abnormalities in the length of stride, heel strike, arm swing, pelvic tilt, or any limp in the feet.
A physiotherapist or a chiropractor assesses several aspects of an individual’s gait during the analysis. They might ask to run on a treadmill to observe directly and share your running history for clarity.